Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nah, You In Da Bronx

What an AMAZING and unforgettable time in the Big Apple. Food, shopping, museums, broadway and chicken on rice; when you add all that up together it equals legendary. Thank you bestfriends for coming with me on this adventure and I can't wait for the next one. Somewhere with a beach?? I would also like to thank the friends that took time out of their busy lives to show us around town. And of course I can't forget my wonderful cousin and cousin-in-law for letting us stay in their home. You two are the BESTEST. I must admit there were times of confusion but we survived getting lost in the Bronx's and the miles of walking just to find a subway entrance. Overall still an awesome time!!

You gots to eat pizza in NY

Happy I'm about to be fed

 I love miniature anything

Museum of Modern Art
Trash... everywhere

The City

Central Park


We need subways in LA
Now this is what I call breakfast =)
Chinatown for savior shopping

Hope you enjoyed the pictures we sure enjoyed the trip. Goodnight world!!


  1. I'm happy to see you took my suggestion to get smashed in the morning on cocktails. Looks like a great trip!

  2. Awesome pictures! I miss NYC already :(

  3. you said you like miniature stuff. have you ever played with tilt-shift photography? it makes everything look like a toy. google that photos, keep it up.
